Sunday, May 1, 2016

Comparing Stock Brokers

When choosing your online broker, here are some great tips to remember to help you decide:

1. Narrow down a list of what is most important to you – Just like when shopping for a new home, making a focus list of wants will help you separate choices to ultimately make a decision. For an investor that travels often for example, mobile trading will be more important than the cost of placing trades.

2. Choose a broker with high acclaim and that is well known – Larger, established online brokers almost always offer more features, trade tools, better customer service, etc. Multiple brokers have millions of clients and these are the ones that almost always deliver a high quality experience for clients.

3. Be aware of miscellaneous fees – Be conscious of what fees the broker is charging. I do not recommend any smaller niche brokers on this site specifically for this reason. There are usually many hidden fees that are only found by digging through the broker website.

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