Monday, May 2, 2016

Give monthly to end the preventable deaths of children

Every day, children die needlessly from preventable causes—and they don’t have to. UNICEF takes proven, low-cost methods that save children’s lives and makes them available regardless of income, ethnicity or location.

Donate to Operation USA
Countless children and families at home and abroad benefit from Operation USA's long-term health, education and youth development programs following disasters and during times of extreme need. Together, we're building a better future for vulnerable communities worldwide. Thank you for your meaningful gift today!

By making a tax-deductible monthly donation of $5, $10, $15 or any amount to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF today, you can provide children with:

Lifesaving vaccines and insectide-treated bed nets
Emergency relief following natural disasters
Educational opportunities and School-in-a-box kits
And much more

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